Aerotech 的 ADRS 系列机械轴承精密直驱转台内部整合直驱无刷伺服电机,可提供高扭矩输出。ADRS精密转台的**低矮外形降低了系统有效工作重量的高度,并且使得"stack-up"相关误差较小化。 ADRS 系列转台提供了一个通孔,能够用来穿过某些部件或传输激光束。 ★ 直径:95 - 190 mm ★ 精度:6 arc sec ★ 负载:7.66 - 25.46 Kg zPictures/Product_426.jpg ADRS 转台性能指标 High torque output, direct-drive brushless servomotor Cog-free slotless motor design for outstanding velocity stability Direct coupled, high-accuracy rotary encoder Ultra-low-profile minimizes working height Aerotech's ADRS series with its direct-drive technology and low profile provide a superior alternative to belt- and wormdrive stages. Compact Package The design of the ADRS series direct-drive rotary stage was optimized to minimize stage height. The low profile of the stage reduces the effective working height of the system minimizing “stack-up” related errors. In addition to the low overall height, the ADRS series provides a clear aperture that can be used for product feed-through or laser beam delivery. Brushless Direct-Drive To maximize positioning performance, the ADRS series utilizes direct-drive brushless motor technology. Direct-drive technology is optimized for 24/7 production environments, as there are no brushes to replace and no gear trains or belts to maintain. Direct drive also provides quicker acceleration and higher top speeds than gear- or belt-driven mechanisms, yielding higher total overall throughput. The low maintenance and high-throughput characteristics of the ADRS series provide a stage that yields the lowest total cost of ownership. Slotless Motor The ADRS series uses a slotless stator design that eliminates torque ripple. This motor technology provides ultra-smooth velocity stability comparable to a high-quality DC brush motor without all the DC motor’s inherent maintenance requirements. Since the slotless motor is directly coupled to the tabletop, velocity disturbances created by toothed belt drives or worm gears are eliminated. Multiple Configurations The ADRS series is available in 100 mm, 150 mm, and 200 mm versions. Each stage has options for different motor windings to better match the stage to different operating conditions. The -B winding option provides the highest possible speed operation for a given available bus voltage, while the -A winding gives greater output torque for comparable current levels. Metric and “English” pattern tabletops are available and slotted mounting holes enable attachment to 25 mm and 1inch hole pattern breadboards. The tabletop of the ADRS series has a labyrinth seal that protects the bearings and encoder from contamination. An optional shaft end seal is available for applications where the bottom of the stage is exposed to contamination. Notes: 1. Maximum speed is based on stage capability. Actual speed may depend on encoder resolution, load, amplifier bus voltage, and motor. See the S-series rotary motor for more information. 2. With HALAR. 3. Maximum loads are mutually exclusive. 4. For the ADRS-100, error motion specifications are below 700 rpm. Above 700 rpm, the max radial error is 5 microns. Errors measured 50 mm (2 in) above the tabletop.